Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M8 A1_Foundations Of Leadership

M8 A1_Foundations Of Leadership

Q Reflection is a valuable tool for extending and refining growth. As you reflect on the journey you have travelled since beginning this course, review the autobiography you completed in Module 1 as you answer the following questions. Tasks: Based on your research, in a minimum of 400 words, respond to the following points: • Have you achieved your goals for this course? • After completing this course, how has your idea of leadership changed? • Examine your description of the challenges of leadership. How well equipped are you at the end of this course to handle those challenges?

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First and foremost I would like to thanks Dr M for making the forums interesting and interactive. I also would like to thank all my classmates who took active participation and made this course exciting, challenging, insightful and informative. This course is one of the best online courses done by me. I really liked and learnt a lot from the content and the assignments. I have definitely achieved my goal and more than that. When I started this class, it was a simply a subject to learn for my professional endeavours But as the weeks went by, I was slowly pulled into the subject and understood that whatever I know about, or rather whatever I think I know is simply the tip of the ice-berg.